Thursday, January 31, 2013

Week 4 EOC: Experience

The experience of the game was very fun and interactive. Not only did we get to learn the definitions, but we also got a little closer as a class since it was a team effort. I would like to do this more often in class to learn definitions and earn extra points towards future exams. Nothing like giving a little incentive to do well in the game so you can do well on the exam. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves with playing the game. One thing I did not understand was how we earned the extra points where some people got as little as no points to 37 points. I accumulated 5 extra points. It isn't bad, but it isn't good also. If i had 37 extra points added to my exam, that would be a good start and allows room for a couple of mistakes and takes a lot of the pressure off. If there was a better way to distribute points, it would make the game a little more rounded out and everyone would enjoy it that much more. Frank knows how to get the class involved because he wants us to do well and pass this class.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Week 3 EOC: Jeopardy Questions

Best 3 Questions-
1. This most common kind of patent expires 20 years after the filing date of the regular formal patent application.
Answer - What is a Utility Patent.

2. This is a term for someone who sues for patent infringement but who does not make or sell any products using the patented technology.
Answer - What is a Patent Troll.

3. The process by which an owner gives permission to another party to make, use, or sell his/her patented invention.
Answer - What is licensing of an invention.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

EOC Week 2: Erin Brockovich

The legal issues in Erin Brockovich were very prominent. The company of PG&E between the years of 1952 and 1966 used Hexavalent Chromium to fight corrosion in the cooling tower water. ( Over this time period, the water dissolved the Chromium 6 and leaked into the water supply of surrounding towns, poisoning the people's water supply, exposing them to this hazardous material. To keep this on the down low, PG&E paid for the doctors visit for families to have them report that nothing was wrong. Meanwhile, Brockovich went around the town of Hinkley and talked to anyone she could to find out about their lives and if there was anything wrong with anyone due to her finding out about the Hexavalent Chromium, she ended up talking to 600 people. She encouraged Ed Masry, the lawyer who hired her at his firm, to take on this case against the giant corporation that was worth 28 billion dollars. When it was all said and done, the 28 billion dollar company, PG&E had to payout a sum of 333 million dollars to the 600 people that they have poisoned. ( Of this 333 million dollars, Erin Brockovich got a whopping 2 million dollars for her hard work to bring this company to justice. This is just plain corruption within the corporations that run America. If something like this happens with a big corporation, instead of trying to hide, they should be focusing on how to remedy the situation. Paying off doctors to tell families that everything is ok, when in reality it's not, is just down right immoral. Those doctors working for the PG&E companies should have their licenses revoked and be out of work. Innocent people's lives are on the line and for what, not everything can be saved with money. Big corporations are just in it to make money and they don't really care what happens, as long as they make their money, everything is fine.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

EOC Week 1 - My Voice

As an audio producer, I'm always looking for that certain sound that gives that audio piece that distinction. One must have a keen sense of hearing, knowledge of how sound waves interact with the environment around us and knowledge of the different equipment used in the industry. My musical background has driven me towards this profession. I first started playing Alto Sax in the 6th grade and continued to play through my 7th grade year. My 8th grade year is when I switched to Tenor Sax because my band director asked me to look into since the Jazz Band didn't have any Tenor Saxophonist's yet. This opened up a whole new world of music to me which I haven't really been exposed to. I continued to play in the jazz and concert bands throughout high school with the addition of marching band which took a lot of time and dedication. I still play to this day with my band Chug-A-Luv, hoping to capture our sound and put it out into the world.